Tuesday 19 October 2010


I was walking through under waterloo bridge and I saw a book store in outside. So, I started to think about people's movement that trying to find out what want. And suddenly while I record the movement I was water reflects right under the bridge sort of the ceiling of book store. Suddenly it came to my mind and tried to record the beautiful feelings of that scene.

Previous work

I was interested lights and reflects. These are the experiments about that.


During studying Interior & Spatial design in the first year, I realized that I am interested in making a normal space to a special space by using other sources. For instance, lighting, sound, atmosphere and etc. As like as human’s basic senses.

Changed space can make a different environment alone and surrounding atmosphere by feelings. For example, eco – architecture, recycling – architecture and etc. Like Tate modern building, it was just a factory but recently it changed to a cultural space and the surrounding environment also changed because of the changing.

Also, I am interested in making a building or space inspired from basic human body or other features’ body. Each live features can be a interesting inspiring idea. If I look and observe those things and I can find amazing forms that I could not find that until I look it carefully.